
in which是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

in which



1.在哪点上 ... whereby = by what;by which; 由是;凭那个 wherein = in what;in which; 在哪里;在哪点上 The EMPLOYER( …

2.后面应该是完整的成分吧 ... 1、a break with 是一项突破 3、in which 后面应该是完整的成分吧 2、be attributable to 归因于 ...

3.于…之中 ... (=afterward in this…of the like 之后,在 下文中), (=in which 在此,于…之中), (=by whic…

4.介宾结构 in that 不能引导定语从句 in which 介宾结构,可引导定语从句 but that: 若不是 ...

5.在其中 ... whereof --- of which 关于什么 wherein --- in which 在何处,在其中 whereon --- on which 于其上 ...

6.在此 ... (=afterward in this…of the like 之后,在 下文中), (=in which 在此,于…之中), (=by whic…


1.She fled Spain for Morocco in 2001; a year later police intercepted an email in which she said she was headed for Pakistan's tribal belt.2001年她从西班牙逃亡到摩洛哥;一年以后警方截获了其一封电子邮件,在邮件中她表示去了巴基斯坦部落地区。

2.Far from moving towards a world in which religion is absent or marginal, it would be truer to say that the secular era is in the past.我们远远不是向着一个没有宗教或宗教边缘化的世界迈进,更确切的说法应该是,世俗时代已经过去。

3.The boxes (in which the camping tents were packed) were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit.装帐篷的箱子受到损坏,似乎在运输过程中已被打开。

4.Specifies the name of the include file in which the associated configuration section is defined, if such a file exists.指定定义关联配置节的包含文件的名称(如果存在这样的文件)。

5.Officials are particularly alive to these dangers in a year in which a new generation of leaders will take power.在换届之年,政府官员们对这些威胁格外敏感。

6.Ronaldo went on to talk about Real Madrid's 4-0 win over Espanyol on Sunday, in which he did not score, but set up two goals.罗纳尔多接着谈到周日4比0战胜西班牙人的比赛。比赛中他没有进球但奉献两次助攻。

7.But does that insult to existence, that flat denial in which it is plunged come from the fact that it has no meaning?但是,这对存在的侮辱,一股脑的完全否定,真的是因为生命没有意义吗?

8.For Nixon the most exquisite triumphs were those in which the victim did not know who had done him in.而对尼克松来说,最巧妙的胜利莫过于对方吃了亏还不明白究竟是谁使的坏。

9.Parkinson's, a neurological disorder in which some of the brain cells that control movement die, had made him unable to walk.帕金森氏症是一种因某些控制人体行动的脑细胞死亡而造成的神经紊乱综合症。

10.They masterfully describe the social conditions of England and France in 1775, the year in which Dickens sets the beginning of his novel.他们的社会条件极其描述英国和法国在1775年,当年他一开始狄更斯小说。